Excel 2007/2010: From Novice to Professional

Excel 2007/2010: From Novice to Professional

Introduction   Get the most out of Microsoft Excel faster and easier than ever and….



What are the strengths of social media? How does it actually work? What are the….

Graphic Design and Multimedia Courses

Graphic Design and Multimedia Courses

Let New Horizons Bangladesh help you explore your creative spirit with our full range of….

training program on prince2- a practitioner approach

training program on prince2- a practitioner approach

The course is defined based on project management principles, themes and processes using the reference….

front-desk behaviour and telephone etiquettes

front-desk behaviour and telephone etiquettes

Introduction This course focuses on the behaviour and rules for the conversation of Front-desk executives,….

Call Center Technology

Call Center Technology

The course is defined based on project management principles, themes and processes using the reference….